Amber Chan — Founder

创始人兼媒体关系总监——陈舒雅Amber Chan。逾八年的媒体关系以及近两年的创业经验,为Amber锻造出独特的个人简历,富有高奢品牌与国内外顶尖媒体合作的经验,例如爱马仕、佳士得、上下、国际羊毛标志大奖、Neiman Marcus、VOGUE摩登不夜城……等。个性明媚阳光让她在客户、VIP以及媒体的关系处理上游刃有余。她钟爱故事叙述,将“Be Loved, BeGifted”作为品牌理念,以艺术审美的眼光、叙述故事的才华和独特的个性为BeGifted注入创意和暖意。后创立Hödi媒体关系咨询事务所,为独立创作者、杰出人才以及独立设计及生活方式品牌提供专业的媒体咨询服务,助益他们的才华绽放。
With 8 years’ working experience with leading Chinese media, Amber has cultivated a unique portfolio of high-end brands including Hermes, Vogue FNO, Christies, Shangxia, International Woolmark Prize, Sarment and many more. Her bubbly exterior is matched not only by her excellent relationship management but also commitment to excellence. Amber loves and excels at story telling, having been a scriptwriter and program editor for Modern Media TV Group. She brings her artistic eye, storytelling flair and personal touch to the many touching gift experiences that BeGifted creates. Then she launched Hödi media communication consulting firm to support and celebrate creators talents.
联系方式 Contact–
电话 Tel: 86-135 8585 9602
微信 Wechat: amberchan
邮箱 Email:
Sue Su — Co-founder

联合创始人兼事业发展总监——苏丽珍 Sue Su,九年上市公司品牌营销及公共关系的工作经验,Sue负责亚洲市场的公司品牌重组计划,深谙品牌策略及执行的重要性,以及如何最大化整合资源。在两年记者工作生涯中,对故事的敏感度,与人交往的亲和力让Sue能够迅速与采访对象建立关系,挖掘素材做不同角度的报道和采访。跨语言和跨文化的工作环境训练了Sue具备高效的沟通能力,能够快速分析当下情境,找到问题所在并着手解决。作为Hödi媒体关系工作室的创始人之一,Sue希望以创新的角度帮助品牌做有温度有深度的内容传播。
With nine years of experience in brand marketing and public relations in listed companies, Sue has been responsible for corporate rebranding in the Asian market. She is well versed in brand strategy and execution as well as how to maximize the integration of resources. In the two years of working as a journalist, Sue‘s sensitivity to stories and her affinity for people have allowed her to establish relationships with interviewees and interview from different perspectives. Sue is competent in efficient communication, market analysis and problem-solving thanks to the multilingual and cross-cultural working atmosphere. As the co- founder of Hödi Media Relations Studio, Sue endeavors to tie the brands and their customers by out-of-box marketing and in-depth branding approach.
联系方式 Contact–
电话 Tel: 86-173 0171 8956
微信 Wechat: sue177718
邮箱 Email:
陈舒雅 Amber Chan
Head of Media Relations
Wechat: amberchan
Hödi Ho
PR Coordinator
Project Manager
Wechat: hodihodihodi